Pension Rights Rally

On June 29th, members of ISCP’s executive gathered with other organisations representing pensioner’s rights to rally for the Government to adopt the Industrial Relations Amendments Bill. This Bill, brought forward by Bríd Smith TD, sought to give retired people the right to be represented by their organisation or union in dealing with their former employers over changes to their pension entitlements and benefits.

We are disappointed that the Government has chosen to defer a decision on the Bill for 12 months. This is an issue that has been affecting retired workers for well over a decade, and it is frustrating that this Bill will not yet go to Committee stage for further work.

We will be keep a close eye on the Government over the next 12 months to hold them to their promise of reviewing this Bill and addressing it within the promised timeline. Over 500,000 retired workers are affected by this issue, and they are not going away.

Watch our Vice-President Imelda Browne address the rally here: