Vote Smart, Vote Strong: A Hustings for the near Future

General Elections are fast approaching and it is very possible that these will take place before 2024 is out. So, to help voters prepare for these elections in the best way possible, the ISCP have decided to hold a series of hustings around the country to give older people a chance to question their local candidates before making the all-important decision; Who am I going to vote for?   

What are hustings?

Hustings is a panel discussion in the run-up to an election where candidates debate policies and answer questions from the audience. It’s also a great way to secure commitments from candidates, while building relationships with your potential elected representatives. Hustings usually feature candidates from all major parties and are held in the area where the candidates are standing for election. They’re a great way to find out more about where your candidates stand on key issues and to secure commitments which you can later use to hold them accountable, if elected.

How does it work?

The ISCP will host the event, inviting the electoral candidates from the areas we will be visiting. Candidates will sit at the front of the room and are given the opportunity to make an opening statement and then answer questions from the audience with the potential opportunity for candidates to make a closing statement.

Who is it for?

In short, this if for anyone in Ireland who is registered to vote and wants to find out more about each candidate and what they promise to do achieve if elected to Government. We specifically encourage older people to attend these events and ask questions that are most important and relevant to them. It is also imperative to note that candidates should never be guaranteed your vote just because they belong to a specific party or because your family and earlier generations always voted the same way. This is why these Hustings are so beneficial to voters, because the voter gets to directly question each candidate and can decide for themselves if they are worthy of forming part of our government.

Where will we go?

Well, that is up to you. If there is a large hall or event space in your area and more importantly, a large audience of older people who are keen to make an informed decision about our next Government, please get in touch with us.

The ISCP endeavour to give voice to older people in matters such as this and wish to provide as much information to older generations as possible. We want to remind the Government that we are;

               Retired Workers – NOT Retired Voters