Are the Backbencher TDs trying to mislead older voters?

€20 increase in the pension in Budget 2024/25, pushed by backbench TDs to win over older voters before the upcoming General Election (Irish Independent 31st July 2024)

It was interesting to read this article in the Irish Independent last week as we approach the ‘kite flying’ in the run up to the Budget and indeed a possible election. The ISCP was struck by the lack of awareness among some TD’s and indeed the Government itself as to the increase that will be required to take those living on the state pension above the poverty line. The CSO SILC 2023 show 13.1% of the population, were at risk of poverty. In other words, they had an income that was less than 60% of the median disposable income, that is €15,754 per annum or €301.91 per week. By age group, the largest year on year change in the at risk of poverty rate was in persons aged 65 or over, up from 11.9% in 2021 to 19.0% in 2022. By household composition, the at risk of poverty rate was highest in one adult households with one adult 65 years and over at 33.6%.

The comments by the backbenchers relating to ‘winning over’ older voters are what has led us to the ad hoc approach to pension provision and indeed to how older people are viewed. Offering a ‘fiver’ in some budgets reflects a lack of understanding of the need for a secure and consistent income for older people. These beliefs and views among politicians greatly influence how policies are developed and how they appear in government actions and decisions.

The state pension helps many people avoid poverty and is important for ensuring our dignity and independence as we grow older. However, many of our members express concerns about possibly losing some of these benefits or having them reduced, which causes a lot of stress and takes away the feeling of security that we should have in our later years. These voices need to be heard as part of the policy debate on secure income and to encourage more emphasis on human dignity and human rights in every age. Speaking about income adequacy, ISCP refer to a level of income that enables people to have full participation and be fully included in society.

Advocacy amplifies the voice of the most vulnerable, who are often ignored, and provides evidence to decision-makers to change the way they act. (EAPN)

We need to remind the backbenchers of this Government and indeed all politicians who are concerned as to winning over the older voter that 60+ population is expected to reach 20 per cent of the global population by 2030, whereas in the EU the 50-plussers already represent more than 30% of the population.

We also need to remind them that it was their policy that committed to delivering a pension income linked to 34% of the average income and anything less than a €27.50 adjustment in core social welfare rates will be a real term cut (EAPN 2024)